Liquid Filters

HTML/CSS Templates use the Liquid markup language. You can use "filters" to format and modify any values before inserting them into the page.

DocSpring supports most of the filters that you can find in the Liquid documentation. However, you may find some filters in Shopify's Liquid documentation that we don't support. Please contact us if you would like us to add a new Liquid filter.


  • Use the newline_to_br filter to replace newline characters (\n) with HTML line breaks (<br/>). Otherwise, any multi-line strings will be displayed on a single line.

DocSpring Liquid Filters

Here are some Liquid filters that are unique to DocSpring:


{{ count | pluralize: "<singular>" }}

{{ count | pluralize: "<singular>", "<plural>" }}

Pluralize a string based on the count.


  • singular (required) - String to use when count is 1
  • plural - String to use when count is 0 or more than 1 (defaults to adding an “s” to singular)


{{ 1 | pluralize: "thing" }}
=> "thing"

{{ 2 | pluralize: "thing" }}
=> "things"

{{ 0 | pluralize: "city", "cities" }}
=> "cities"


{{ number | delimited }}

{{ number | delimited: "<delimiter>", "<separator>" }}

Formats a number with grouped thousands (e.g. 12,324.)


  • delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to “,”).
  • separator - Sets the separator between the fractional and integer digits (defaults to “.”).


{{ 1000 | delimited }}
=> "1,000"

{{ 1000000 | delimited }}
=> "1,000,000"

{{ 1000000 | delimited }}
=> "1,000,000"

{{ 1000 | delimited: " " }}
=> "1 000"

{{ 1000.45 | delimited: ".", "," }}
=> "1.000,45"


{{ number | currency }}

{{ number | currency: "<delimiter>", "<separator>", "<format>", "<negative_format>", "<precision>" }}

Formats a number as a currency, with grouped thousands and two decimal places (e.g. $12,324.00.)


  • unit - Sets the denomination of the currency (defaults to “$”).
  • delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to “,”).
  • separator - Sets the separator between the fractional and integer digits (defaults to “.”).
  • format - Sets the format for non-negative numbers (defaults to “%u%n”). Fields are %u for the currency, and %n for the number.
  • negative_format - Sets the format for negative numbers (defaults to prepending a hyphen to the formatted number given by format). Accepts the same fields than format, except %n is here the absolute value of the number.
  • precision - Sets the level of precision for decimal places (defaults to 2).


{{ 1 | currency }}
=> "$1.00"

{{ 1000 | currency }}
=> "$1,000.00"

{{ 1234.56 | currency: "€", ".", ","  }}
=> "€1.234,56"

{{ -1234567890.50 | currency: "$", ",", ".", "%u%n", "(%u%n)" }}
=> ($1,234,567,890.50)

{{ 1234567890.50 | currency: "R$", "", ",", "%n %u" }}
=> 1234567890,50 R$


{{ date | in_time_zone: "<timezone>" }}

{{ 'now' | in_time_zone: "<timezone>" }}

Convert a date into a specific timezone. You can also pass 'now' or 'today' to use the current time.



{{ 'now' | in_time_zone: "America/New_York" | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}
=> "2020-04-30 04:04"

{{ 'now' | in_time_zone: "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}
=> "2020-04-30 16:04"

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    No results matching ""