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Customize the PDF Title

You can customize the PDF title by setting the pdf_title key in the submission metadata.

For example, if you set pdf_title to Custom PDF Title, then PDF reader applications will display this title.

(By default, the PDF title is set to the name of the template.)

Customize the PDF Filename in the Download URL

You can customize the PDF filename by setting the pdf_filename key in the submission metadata. (DocSpring will add the .pdf extension automatically.)

For example, if you set pdf_filename to custom_pdf_file123, the PDF URL will end with: /submissions/<submission_id>/custom_pdf_file123.pdf

(By default, the PDF URL will end with /submissions/<submission_id>.pdf)

Custom PDF filenames have a maximum length of 128 characters, and can include the following characters: 0-9 A-Z a-z - _ .. Any other characters will be replaced with an underscore.

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