Embedded Forms

You can embed our web forms on your own website, and users can fill out this form to generate a PDF. You can redirect users to a different page after they have filled out the form, or run some code in a JavaScript callback.

Please see the Web Forms documentation for more information:

Release Notes

You can find the latest version and release notes here:

Embed Code

Copy the following code into your page, replacing TEMPLATE_ID with your template id:


<div class="dsp-form"></div>
  DocSpring.createSimpleForm('.dsp-form', 'TEMPLATE_ID')

Here is a more complex example that uses all of the options for DocSpring.createSimpleForm():

Redirect to a URL

After the user submits the form, you can redirect them to a different URL. The redirect URL can be configured in the template settings, or can be passed as an option to DocSpring.createSimpleForm() (The createSimpleForm option will override the template's redirect URL.)

The submission ID, template ID, and template name will be appended to this URL as query params:

When "Submission Privacy" is set to "Private", the user will be redirected as soon as the form has been saved.

When "Submission Privacy" is set to "Public", the user will be redirected after the PDF has finished processing. If you don't need to wait, you can set the waitForPDF option to false when calling DocSpring.createSimpleForm().

JavaScript API

DocSpring.createSimpleForm(css_selector: string, template_id: string, options_and_callbacks = {})


Option Description
defaultData An object containing default data for the form fields.
metadata An object containing metadata for the submission.
showClearButton Set to false to remove the "Clear" button
clearButtonLabel Clear button text (Default: "Clear")
submitButtonLabel Submit button text (Default: "Submit Form")
submitButtonSavingLabel Submit button text while saving (Default: "Saving...")
submitButtonProcessingLabel Submit button text while waiting for the PDF (Default: "Generating PDF...")
redirectURL Redirect to this URL after submitting the form (Overrides the template's redirect URL)
waitForPDF If a redirectURL is provided, set waitForPDF to false to redirect immediately, instead of waiting for the PDF to finish processing. If there is no redirectURL, then we will immediately show a "Thank you" message after submitting the form. (NOTE: waitForPDF will always be false if "Submission Privacy" is set to "Private". In other words, we will always redirect or show the "thank you" message immediately.)


Callback Parameters Description
processTemplateSchema jsonSchema (mutable) Modify the template schema before the form is rendered. You could use this to hide some fields by removing them from the schema.
onClearForm - Called after the clear button is pressed
onSubmit formData Called when the submit button is pressed. Parameter is an object with all form data.
onSave submission Called when the form has been saved. Parameter is an object containing the submission attributes, including id.
onProcessed submission Called when the PDF has been processed. (Will only be called if "Submission Privacy" is set to "Public".) Parameter is an object containing the submission attributes, including id, download_url, and expires_at.
onError response Called if there is an error with the request. Parameter is the response from the AJAX request.

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