Synchronous API

The DocSpring API supports both synchronous and asynchronous API requests.

  • Synchronous API requests make it much easier to integrate DocSpring with your application. When you make a synchronous API request, the API will wait until the PDF is generated before returning a 201 response with the download_url.
  • Asynchronous requests are useful when generating a PDF takes a long time, or when you want to generate a PDF in the background. When you make an asynchronous request, the API will return a 201 response immediately, and you can check the status of the request later.

We recommend using the subdomain for all API requests

The synchronous subdomain supports all API endpoints, so you can use it for all your API requests. All of our API client libraries will use this subdomain by default. (You can always override the host when configuring your client.)

You can force the synchronous subdomain to return a pending response immediately by adding the ?wait=false query parameter. The wait query parameter has no effect on the async subdomain.

Subdomains and Endpoints

  • Requests to are synchronous by default. (The API waits for the PDF to be processed before returning a response.)
    • Customers in our EU region should use
  • Requests to are asynchronous by default. (Pending PDF is returned immediately.)
    • Customers in our EU region should use

Synchronous API endpoints:

  • Create Submission: POST /api/v1/templates/{template_id}/submissions
  • Create Submission Batch: POST /api/v1/submissions/batches
  • Create Combined Submission: POST /api/v1/combined_submissions
  • Create Template: POST /api/v1/templates

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