Frequently Asked Questions

What does DocSpring do?

DocSpring helps you fill out PDFs with information. You can upload a PDF to DocSpring and use our visual template editor to place fields on the PDF. You can then use our PDF generator API to fill out these fields. Once the PDF has been processed, our API will return a link where you can download the generated PDF.

  • A personal tax service collects financial information from users and generates a completed tax form that can be sent to the IRS.
  • A property management company collects information from a rental applicant and generates a lease agreement.
  • A legal team generates a custom contract for each client and uses DocSpring to collect legally binding signatures.

Is DocSpring an online PDF editor?

DocSpring is not an online PDF editor. DocSpring is a tool for people who are building applications that need to generate PDFs. Our API was designed to be used by programmers, but we also integrate with no-code platforms and other third-party services.

Does DocSpring support electronic signatures?

Yes, DocSpring provides an e-signature SDK that allows developers to build a workflow that collects legally binding signatures. This feature is called Data Requests. It allows you to create an embeddable form that collects data and signatures from users. Learn more about Data Requests.

Please note that we do not currently provide a complete end-to-end experience, so some programming experience is required. You may need to implement some steps yourself, including user authentication and verification, email notifications, and sending the signed PDF to your users.

How does DocSpring's pricing work?

DocSpring provides monthly subscription plans, each with an allowance for generating a specific number of live PDFs (without watermarks) per month for a fixed fee. If you exceed this allowance, a nominal fee is applied to each additional PDF generated. Please note that test PDFs, which include watermarks, do not count towards your monthly quota.

Can I design my own documents using DocSpring?

DocSpring was originally built to fill out existing PDFs with information. DocSpring does not have a visual template builder for designing your own documents, but if you're a web developer, you can design your own PDF templates using HTML and CSS. Our HTML template engine supports the Liquid templating language, so you can use variables and logic to create dynamic PDFs. You can then use our API to fill out these templates.
Learn more about HTML/CSS templates.

How can I remove the watermark on my PDFs during the free trial period?

To remove the watermark on your PDFs, you need to create a "live" API token and set test: false in your API request. This will allow you to generate PDFs without watermarks. Please note that test API tokens will always add a watermark.

Does DocSpring support Russian / Cyrillic / Arabic / Chinese / Japanese characters?

Yes, DocSpring supports all character types when filling out PDFs, including right-to-left languages.

However, you may see some unexpected results when filling out editable PDF forms, especially when opening an editable PDF in Safari or Preview on a Mac. These issues can sometimes be due to limitations in the PDF specification or the way that our PDF engine creates editable PDFs. Please let us know if you run into any problems.